Domains Global - Domains like stars accross the plain - stately as two galleons.

Domain Names Portfolio for Sale or Lease


Date 22.01.07


We provide web hosting, domain parking and domain management services to private and corporate domain owners. Our hosting packages are simple, robust and priced to suit any pocket. We have Front Page, Share Point extensions installed as standard.
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  20MB Storage Space
3 GB Data Transfers
Park Up to 20 Domains
  30MB Storage Space
6GB Data Transfers
Park Up to 100 Domains
  50MB Storage Space
10GB Data Transfers
Park Up to 20 Domains

Date 17.01.04
We are an offshore centre and our clients hail from all over the world.

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Date 14.09.05
Once you have your domain name and hosting sorted, if you are going to rely on people finding your site, you may have need of our in house SEO and promotion department.

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We don't think that virtual domain website hosting should be the mystery some would like it to be.

Yes, a domain name is becoming a valuable piece of real estate, and where perhaps only the cognoscenti have been in a position to capitalise on this in the past, the internet is a fast evolving place and we think everyone is entitled top get in on a piece of the action.

Whether you want to give your loved one a hassle free hobby by presenting them with a personalised and unusual gift or you are a small business who is beginning to realise that to compete in today's world, your customers want to be able to deal with you from the comfort of their home , your peers and B2B associates have told you that if you don't get in on the act you will miss the boat, what we are trying to get across is that it is time for you to join the internet revolution if you haven't done so already.

We were pioneering fair play on the internet since 1997. We  love the fairness of this new, level playing field. You will sink or swim according to what you produce in this fiercely competitive marketplace. We promise fairness, friendliness, the best support we can give, reasonable  bills and a sincere interest in the success of your venture, whether for business or pleasure or your favourite charity. We do care about you on an individual basis, as we do not want to live in a world where you are just a number and a means to an end. Our organisation has been giving outstanding and caring service in all the areas we cover for a number of years now. The adage ' Jack of all trades and master of none' probably does apply to us, but far from being shy about that we subscribe to the theory that you can know more and more about less and less, so that in the end you know a great deal about nothing. We know a good deal about a lot and we are happy to pass the benefit of our experience in the setting up, managing and day to day running of a variety of internet based businesses on to our customers. Come on board and see why we are happy to publish our feedback, warts and all.



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